The Sacrament of Christian Initiation

The Risen Christ said to his Apostles “Go into the whole world, proclaim the Gospel to the whole of Creation”. (Mark 16 v 15)

Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist…

These three Sacraments give to those who receive them the full stature of being a Christian, giving to a person all that is necessary to be fully a child of God in the world.  Each Sacrament requires careful preparation, both for children and adults.

The Baptism of infants

Children of Catholic Christian parents should be baptised as soon as possible after birth.  This becomes a sign of the parents’ strong desire for their child to receive the gift of eternal life offered by Christ.  Baptisms usually take place on Sundays at 12.30pm or at other times, whenever possible. To arrange for the baptism of an infant contact the Presbytery.  The Church expects Catholic parents to be practising, and at least one Godparent must be a practising Catholic, who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation.  The Baptism of children of families who live outside the parish can only take place with a letter of permission from the priest where the family lives.

The Baptism of Adults

A period of study, prayer and discernment allows time for an adult to prepare for baptism. Usually the baptism of adults is celebrated with Confirmation and reception of Holy Communion, all at the same ceremony. This, by tradition, should be preferably at the Vigil of Easter. Contact the Presbytery.

 The Sacrament of Confirmation

This sacrament is administered to those baptised as infants when they have reached their early teens. In this Diocese the age of Confirmation is around 13 to 14 years. There is a course of preparation for young people each year which begins about mid-September. The bishop administers the Sacrament in the parish the following Eastertide. Contact Winnie Brady Tel: 07702 094650.

The Sacrament of the Eucharist

Young people prepare to receive Holy Communion usually when they are aged 7 to 8. Prior to that, they are prepared for the Sacrament of Penance, as they must go to Confession before their First Communion. Preparation for both these Sacraments takes place through instruction classes arranged in the parish. Children preparing for both of these Sacraments must be supported by the witness and example of their Catholic parents by their own reception of these. Sacraments and regular attendance at Sunday Mass. Links to: “Children and Young People”